
Upekshanandi was ordained in 2017 and has lived at Dhanakosa since 2013. She loves long walks around the glen, spends most of her free time reading books and is passionate about exploring meditation practice.

The Root Verses of the Six Bardos Retreat

Friday, 15 November 2019 to Friday, 22 November 2019 2019

On this retreat we will combine meditation practice, study and ritual to enter the world of Padmasambhava, bringing ourselves alive as practitioners in every moment.  We will together be learning to see all phenomena as ephemeral within the great drama of the unfolding of existence.  And, with our heart connection strengthened, move towards liberation through no clinging.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee: 

Simply being

Friday, 4 October 2019 to Friday, 11 October 2019 2019

‘Simply being’ points to a quality of awakeness and receptivity that we can recognise at any moment, both in and outside of formal meditation. It’s an openness to full presence in our being - in our body, senses and awareness. It suggests opening to what we really are, beyond conceptual fabrication, inseparable from nature itself, which is undivided and ungraspable. 

These are meditation retreats and will be conducted mostly in silence. They will normally have between 5 and 7 hours a day of sitting meditation.  

Booking Fee: 

A Heart as wide as the World

Friday, 30 August 2019 to Friday, 6 September 2019 2019

Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and find a greater sense of intimacy with others and the world we live in. But our fear of connection means we often feel cut off from others thus creating suffering for ourselves. On this retreat we will explore the ancient Buddhist meditation of Loving Kindness practice and how it can help awaken our heart to its true potential.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee: 

Qi Gong and Meditation

Friday, 12 April 2019 to Friday, 19 April 2019 2019

Qi Gong helps to generate energy and vitality, promoting self healing and inner harmony allowing us to become more aware. Meditation and Qi Gong complement each other beautifully.  By combining the two practices, this retreat offers us the chance to deepen our connection with ourselves and others in the natural beauty and healing environment that is Dhanakosa.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.


Booking Fee: 