Giving to dhanakosa
Dhanakosa operates on the basis of dana, or generosity. We do not charge a set fee for coming on retreat, instead we ask participants to make a donation to the ongoing costs of running the retreat centre. For more information about giving dana and coming on retreat see dana economy.
If you would like to give to Dhanakosa it's very easy. You can make a one-off donation, set up a monthly standing order, or remember Dhanakosa in your will.
one-off donations
We are happy to accept donations any time to support our work offering retreats to introduce people to Buddhist practice, and allow everyone to attend retreats, regardless of financial situation.
You can make a donation via Paypal or credit/debit card. Alternatively you can send us a cheque in the post or call to make a donation over the phone.
standing orders
Standing order donations help us by:
- giving us a regular monthly income
- giving us confidence to encourage the less well-off to come to Dhanakosa
- providing resources to help us continue to develop and improve our buildings and land
You can set up a standing order here or alternatively download our standing order form and return it to us by email or post.