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going deeper - hillwalking and meditation

Retreat Type:

Going Deeper retreats are an ideal first regulars’ retreat. They are suitable for anyone who has already done an introductory retreat or who has been attending their local Triratna centre and wants to take things deeper.

Going Deeper with Hillwalking takes the established, successful Hillwalking retreat format and by intensifying the practice enables us to connect more deeply with our experience both in the shrine room and in nature. We will continue exploring the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana and also introduce a stronger Just Sitting element to the practice, and more reflection, both on and off the cushion. These retreats will also include an introduction to Buddhist ritual and the Seven Fold Puja. Longer periods of silence together and quiet walks will all support a deep and rich experience both of ourselves and the world around us.

The retreat will include three days of guided walks. There will be walk options available to suit different levels of fitness. All walks are in the local area, but some require a short drive to get to the starting point. For more information on the walks, recommended fitness levels and the appropriate clothing and footwear to bring, please read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


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