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Padmacandra (Pippa Meek) first attended a retreat with Wolf at the Door many moons ago, led by Ananda and Manjusvara. She says "I felt suddenly at home: able to be myself and happily anonymous at the same time. For me poetry is a state of mind that I aspire to abide in. Poetry seems to come from being embodied in the world - open to the senses as if for the first time". Padmacandra's poems have been widely published in magazines and in 2002 she edited, with much help from others, The Heart as Origami, an anthology of contemporary Buddhist Poets (Rising Fire Press). 


Wolf at the Door

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Triratna

‘[we live] in two worlds at the same time. One…is the one of the everyday…The other…in which we also live, is a world of the imagination. And that world too has to be fed.’ Uri Shulivitz 

By looking more deeply into our everyday world, can we begin to glimpse new possibilities? 

On this Wolf at the Door Buddhist writing retreat, we will be exploring the imagination through pen, paper – and the spaces in between. Come and delve deep with Wolf at the Door, in the beautiful surroundings of Dhanakosa.

Wolf at the Door writing retreats are fully immersive, intense workshops, woven with the Dharma and laced with the unexpected. No writing experience necessary, just a willingness to step through the door of the imagination in the company of experienced Wolf guides. 

Suitable for Triratna Regulars, Mitras or Order Members with at least a year's experience of Triratna and a knowledge of the three main meditation practices and devotional ritual (puja).

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

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