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Vidyadipa (Lesley Burr) discovered meditation whilst a student at Glasgow School of Art in 1982. Her focus for many years was developing her artwork, searching for meaning and truth through image making.  Moving to the remote Shetland Isles in 1994 was to be an important step in becoming a Buddhist. Away from all things familiar it was an inspiring time setting up a new studio by the sea, making paintings touched by an elemental windswept landscape. 

 “Nature always has a way of helping me see more clearly, finding new themes or ideas and understanding more. I love sharing experiences with people, such as with teaching and to see how this can develop through creativity and awareness.”

Her paintings have an emotional sensitivity, even intensity, they are symbolic landscapes layered with colour, meaning and imagery that represent nature and world.

Vidyadipa lives in Argyll with her family where the West Coast seeps into the iconography of her work. See more of her work on her website here


a landscape of colour: art and meditation

Retreat Type:

The combination of observing the beautiful landscape at Dhanakosa along with the practice of meditation allows one to cultivate an open awareness of oneself and a deeper connection with nature. This will be a week of reflection and creativity using drawing, painting and meditation.

The week will cover full guidance in meditation, some Buddhist ritual and will include some periods of silence to deepen our awareness. Art sessions will be practical and explorative using colour, drawing, and poetry to observe and record experiences. There will be short excursions in the nearby area (dependent on the weather) to enjoy different views and aspects of the landscape.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability: