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Dhiraka has been practicing Buddhism since his student days and was ordained in 2005. He is fascinated by the 'problem' of teaching meditation - of communicating what is a very private practice and helping others to 'get it' when he can't 'see' directly the fruits of their efforts. It is a subtle art and one that Dhiraka takes seriously, but does so with a lot of humour as well. He also teaches meditation in secular contexts.

photography, nature awareness and meditation

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will be exploring our relationship to the landscape and the world around us.  There will be minimal technical photography teaching on this retreat with the emphasis being very much on photography coming out of meditative experience and our connection to nature.

We will focus on the importance of going beyond just looking, to really seeing with our whole heart, mind, and body. Using all our senses we will explore the world around us at Dhanakosa before we try to create images, in big views or in more intimate details. Using inspiration from Buddhist tradition and meditation techniques, we will set a tone for the retreat where awareness can naturally feed into the creative process.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

a landscape of colour: art and meditation

Retreat Type:

The combination of observing the beautiful landscape at Dhanakosa along with the practice of meditation allows one to cultivate an open awareness of oneself and a deeper connection with nature. This will be a week of reflection and creativity using drawing, painting and meditation.

The week will cover full guidance in meditation, some Buddhist ritual and will include some periods of silence to deepen our awareness. Art sessions will be practical and explorative using colour, drawing, and poetry to observe and record experiences. There will be short excursions in the nearby area (dependent on the weather) to enjoy different views and aspects of the landscape.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Nearly Full

sangha weekend

Retreat Type:
Scottish Sangha

A retreat for people who are part of the Scottish Sangha, who attend one of the Triratna groups or centres in Scotland. 

This year's theme is 'The Subtle Vajra'. Devotional practice, meditation, reflection and sangha will come together this weekend as we explore this year’s theme of Right Effort. Through talks, meditations, ritual and communication, we will be taking a fresh look at this well-known Buddhist teaching.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Nearly Full

introductory weekend

Retreat Type:

These retreats are an excellent short introduction to Buddhism and Meditation. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (metta bhavana). We will also introduce some key elements of the Buddhist tradition. As well as giving a grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism and meditation, these retreats are an ideal reflective situation in which to take a fresh look at ourselves.

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as being an ideal refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full

a landscape of colour: painting and meditation

Led by:
Retreat Type:

The combination of observing the beautiful landscape at Dhanakosa with the practice of meditation allows one to cultivate an open awareness of oneself and a deeper connection with nature. This will be a week of reflection and creativity using drawing, painting and meditation. The week will cover full guidance in meditation, some Buddhist ritual and will include some periods of silence to deepen our awareness. 

Art sessions will be practical and explorative using colour, drawing, and poetry to observe and record experiences. There will be short excursions in the nearby area (dependent on the weather) to enjoy different views and aspects of the landscape.

For more information please read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full