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Amoghavira first encountered Buddhism in 1979 while struggling through a mathematics degree at Glasgow University. Ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in 1982 he then started working at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre. 

He worked for 2 years at the Sydney Buddhist Centre in Australia from 1988, and on his way back to Britain in 1990, spent 3 months in Kathmandu helping run meditation and Buddhism course there. Falling in love with Nepal, he’s been a regular visitor there ever since.

In 1996, he moved to Dhanakosa to help with retreat leading here, which he’s been doing ever since. He loves being in the mountains and this has led to a passion for landscape photography and he now lives in the village of Callander, about 15 miles from Dhanakosa.

photography, nature awareness and meditation

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will be exploring our relationship to the landscape and the world around us.  There will be minimal technical photography teaching on this retreat with the emphasis being very much on photography coming out of meditative experience and our connection to nature.

We will focus on the importance of going beyond just looking, to really seeing with our whole heart, mind, and body. Using all our senses we will explore the world around us at Dhanakosa before we try to create images, in big views or in more intimate details. Using inspiration from Buddhist tradition and meditation techniques, we will set a tone for the retreat where awareness can naturally feed into the creative process.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

turning the heart towards freedom

Retreat Type:

Where do we turn when we come up against difficulties in life? 

In the space of this retreat, we will be learning about the preliminary practices of reflection on what are called the 4 mind turning verses. The subjects of these four reflections can bring us into a direct relationship with: the deeply precious opportunity afforded by our human life; the truth of death and impermanence; karma, or the fact that our actions have consequences for ourselves and others; and the many disadvantages of this conditioned, dissatisfactory, worldly existence. 

All of these might be called ‘the facts of life’ from the Buddhist perspective. They are wake-up calls, jolts to our complacency, articulations of the troubling voice of reality as it impacts on our immediate experience. As we go through them we are saying to ourselves, ``Remember, reflect, wake up to the truth, turn your heart towards freedom!” 

We’ll explore these reflections with guided meditations, short talks and discussions. No previous experience of meditation or Buddhism is assumed, so this retreat is suitable for complete beginners as well as being a good refresher for people with some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

photography and meditation

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will be exploring our relationship to the landscape and the world around us. There will be minimal technical teaching on this retreat with the emphasis being very much on photography coming out of meditative experience (whatever that turns out to be!).

We will focus on the importance of going beyond just looking, to really seeing with our whole heart, mind, and body. Using all our senses we will explore the world around us at Dhanakosa before we try to capture it photographically whether in big views or in more intimate details. Using inspiration from Buddhist tradition and meditation techniques, we will set a tone for the retreat where awareness can naturally feed into the creative process.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Nearly Full

padmasambhava and the vajra of awakening

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Triratna

The retreat will draw on the inspiration of Padmasambhava, Tantric Guru, who was invited to Tibet to transform the deeper, more unruly forces of the mind. Padmasambhava is seen to be both a historical and mythic figure within Buddhism. He was a renowned Yogi, Dharma Teacher, Shaman, and Healer.

We will bring Padmasambhava to life through talks and Buddhist devotional practice through meditation, silence, and ritual we will explore both the energetic and receptive elements of his teaching.

On the basis of mindfulness and metta, and with the support of silence and ritual, we will explore the practice of ‘just sitting’ where we open to direct experience and the heart of awareness.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Padmasambhava and the Vajra of awakening

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Triratna

The retreat will draw on the inspiration of Padmasambhava, Tantric Guru, who was invited to Tibet to transform the deeper, more unruly forces of the mind. Padmasambhava is seen to be both a historical and mythic figure within Buddhism. He was a renowned Yogi, Dharma Teacher, Shaman, and Healer. 

We will bring Padmasambhava to life through talks and Buddhist devotional practice. Through meditation, silence, and ritual we will explore both the energetic and receptive elements of his teaching. 

On the basis of mindfulness and metta, and with the support of silence and ritual, we will explore the practice of ‘just sitting’ where we open to direct experience and the heart of awareness.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Yoga and Meditation Weekend

Retreat Type:

This weekend retreat combines introductory meditation teaching with yoga. This playful synthesis of body-based approaches to wellbeing (through meditation and yoga) in the peaceful and beautiful environment of the retreat can help restore physical and mental vitality and balance in our lives. 

We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations as well as give a solid introduction to the principles of meditation. We will also be exploring some traditional Buddhist teachings to get a flavour of how these might be relevant to our modern lives. 

No previous experience of meditation and yoga is assumed so these retreats are suitable for complete beginners, and they are also a good refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

walking and nature awareness

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will explore how our connection with nature, landscape, and the elements can support a deepening of awareness and a more embodied and harmonious approach to life. We will weave together Buddhist teachings, meditation practice, and an appreciative and playful investigation of the natural world around us to create an experience of depth and connection. 

The retreat will include led walks, outdoor activities, an introduction to Buddhist meditation, Buddhist ethics, and basic Buddhist teachings looked at from a practical perspective. But perhaps more importantly than all of this is the opportunity to experience ourselves away from the trappings of our everyday lives and to relax into the freedom and spontaneity of our basic relationship with natural world around us. For it is this relaxation that supports a deeper understanding of ourselves and stronger appreciation of the connection with those around us. 

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation, and those who already have some experience.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Hillwalking and meditation

Retreat Type:

Nature is for many of us a vital source of spiritual nourishment in an increasingly busy world. On these retreats, we will combine traditional Buddhist teachings with the simple practice of spending time walking in the rich and beautiful landscapes that surround Dhanakosa. 

We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (Metta Bhavana), as well as a solid introduction to the principles of meditation. We will also be exploring some of the broader aspects of traditional Buddhism to get a flavour of how these might be relevant to our modern lives. But, perhaps most of all, we will be enjoying a reflective and companionable week in the richness and beauty of nature. Exploring how our connection with the natural
world supports us to be more fully ourselves. 

The retreat will include three days of guided walks, spread throughout the week. We will normally offer three walks on each of these days to suit a range of levels of fitness and experience. All walks are in the local area but some require a short drive to get to the starting point. For more information on the walks, recommended fitness levels and the appropriate clothing and footwear to bring, please read the retreat information sheet

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation, and those who already have some experience.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Qi Gong and Meditation

Retreat Type:

Qi Gong is rapidly growing in popularity as a practice which helps to generate more energy and vitality; promotes self-healing and inner harmony; and can improve levels of health considerably. Many people benefit from having a movement practice to accompany and support their sitting meditation practice. Meditation is an integral component of Qi Gong, and they complement each other beautifully.

This retreat offers us the chance to deepen into our experience of both practices using the breath and focused awareness to more fully experience our connection with ourselves and others in the natural beauty and healing environment that is Dhanakosa.

This retreat is suitable for complete beginners to meditation and Qi Gong as well as those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full

Uncontrived Mindfulness

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Meditation, Triratna

Central to our dharma life is a simple yet profound distinction; between our direct experience mediated through the senses, and the thoughts and ideas we have about those experiences. We are usually unaware that the concepts we base our sense of self on and navigate our world by, are frequently flawed in a deep and on-going way. We look through the distorted lens of our own views and assumptions, making us an unreliable witness to our own inner experience. 

On the retreat we'll cultivate Awareness and Right View, to become mindful of, and curious about, what is actually happening in our minds. Using the framework of the 5 skandhas to go to the heart of what we take to be 'true' we can come to see the process of construction and fabrication that is happening moment by moment. Relying on the dharma and our own direct experience wisdom perfumes deep knowing and the unreliable witness is seen for what it is. Each moment brings the possibility of release from clinging and therefore from suffering. 

The retreat will mainly be in silence with input each day and the opportunity for meditation reviews with the retreat team.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full