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Pasadini’s (they/them) main focus in practice is working with shadow energies, and they encourage curiosity in meeting all that arises in experience through deeper connection with our heart and energetic being. They currently live in Glasgow and are studying to become a counsellor. They have been a student of Buddhist meditation since 2000 and lead retreats regularly at Dhanakosa. 

turning the heart towards freedom

Retreat Type:

Where do we turn when we come up against difficulties in life? 

In the space of this retreat, we will be learning about the preliminary practices of reflection on what are called the 4 mind turning verses. The subjects of these four reflections can bring us into a direct relationship with: the deeply precious opportunity afforded by our human life; the truth of death and impermanence; karma, or the fact that our actions have consequences for ourselves and others; and the many disadvantages of this conditioned, dissatisfactory, worldly existence. 

All of these might be called ‘the facts of life’ from the Buddhist perspective. They are wake-up calls, jolts to our complacency, articulations of the troubling voice of reality as it impacts on our immediate experience. As we go through them we are saying to ourselves, ``Remember, reflect, wake up to the truth, turn your heart towards freedom!” 

We’ll explore these reflections with guided meditations, short talks and discussions. No previous experience of meditation or Buddhism is assumed, so this retreat is suitable for complete beginners as well as being a good refresher for people with some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

introductory weekend

Retreat Type:

These retreats are an excellent short introduction to Buddhism and Meditation. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (metta bhavana). We will also introduce some key elements of the Buddhist tradition. As well as giving a grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism and meditation, these retreats are an ideal reflective situation in which to take a fresh look at ourselves.

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as being an ideal refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

LGBTQ+ Embodied Courage

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Meditation

A precious opportunity to practice meditation, build community and cultivate joy with other LGBTQ+ folks. 

How do we face our life fully? Where do we find the courage to turn towards ourselves and others, the fullness of our lives, the negative as well as the positive? When we deeply inhabit the space of our body, both somatic and energetic, it gives us a resource from which to walk through life more easefully, freely and joyfully. 

On this retreat, we will use different methods to help us find the support to witness and engage with ourselves, and others, with love, kindness, courage, and joy. Alongside meditations focusing on breath, body and heart, we will introduce exercises focused on the energy centres that lead to an increasing awareness of our energetic/somatic body. This helps to build resources both inner, outer and higher to help us find the ground of our “being-ness”. From this ground we can courageously meet life, and see the deeper truths of reality. We also incorporate working in healing circles which is a practice of deep listening, and speaking, and allows for connection and healing, and serves as an interpersonal meditation practice. 

This retreat is suitable for people with at least six months regular meditation practice and who have attended at least one full week's retreat before.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Yoga and Meditation

Retreat Type:

These retreats combine introductory meditation teaching with yoga. This playful synthesis of body based approaches to wellbeing (through meditation and yoga) in the peaceful and beautiful environment of the retreat can help restore physical and mental vitality and balance in our lives. 

We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations as well as give a solid introduction to the principles of meditation. We will also be exploring some traditional Buddhist teachings to get a flavour of how these might be relevant to our modern lives. 

No previous experience of meditation and yoga is assumed so these retreats are suitable for complete beginners, and they are also a good refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Going Deeper - Meditation and Yoga

Retreat Type:
Going Deeper

This retreat will emphasise a body-based approach to meditation supported by the mindful body work of yoga to help us develop a fuller physical and emotional awareness. We will continue exploring the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana, and also introduce a stronger Just Sitting and reflection element to the practice. These retreats will also include an introduction to Buddhist ritual and the Seven Fold Puja. Longer periods of silence than on introductory retreats will support a deep and rich experience of ourselves and others.

Going Deeper retreats are an ideal first regulars’ retreat. They are suitable for anyone who has already done an introductory retreat, or who has been attending their local Triratna centre and wants to take things deeper.

Yoga teaching is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners and will include elements of embodied movement.

For more information see the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Nearly Full

introductory weekend

Retreat Type:

These retreats are an excellent short introduction to Buddhism and Meditation. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (metta bhavana). We will also introduce some key elements of the Buddhist tradition. As well as giving a grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism and meditation, these retreats are an ideal reflective situation in which to take a fresh look at ourselves.

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as being an ideal refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full