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Danabhaya lives in the Scottish Highlands and writes "I have always loved being outside and walking in the landscape. It’s been a practice to slow down and appreciate and feel the joy of being outside. I also really love to meditate outside and have a regular practice of sitting on the beach every Monday morning to start my week. I enjoy feeling alive in the elements and being creative in rituals, finding new ways to bring freshness and joy and connection with ourselves and others and the landscape we’re in. I’m an all year round outdoor swimmer/dooker and volunteer with the British Diver’s Marine Life Rescue group, responding to seals, dolphins and at times whales which have stranded or need help. I also love walking long distances, slowly, which began with the Camino de Santiago from Le Puy in the Massif Centrale, France in 1991 – 1,000 miles over 3 months. What an adventure! I’m building up my fitness now after a long period of pain. I so enjoy this retreat."

going deeper - walking and nature awareness

Retreat Type:
Going Deeper

Going Deeper retreats are an ideal first regulars’ retreat. They are suitable for anyone who has already done an introductory retreat or who has been attending their local Triratna centre and wants to take their practice deeper. 

By going deeper with walking and nature awareness we are giving ourselves the opportunity to experience life away from the trappings of our everyday routine and to relax into the freedom and spontaneity of our basic relationship with natural world around us. For it is this relaxation that supports a deeper understanding of ourselves and stronger appreciation of the connection with those around us and the natural world. 

We will explore how our connection with nature, landscape, and the elements can support a deepening of awareness and a more embodied and harmonious approach to life. We will weave together Buddhist teachings, meditation practice, and an appreciative and playful investigation of the natural world around us to create an experience of depth and connection. 

We will continue exploring the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana and also introduce a stronger Just Sitting element to the practice, and more reflection, both on and off the cushion. The retreat will also include an introduction to Buddhist ritual. There will be longer periods of silence together and quiet walks will all support a deep and rich experience both of ourselves and the world around us.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


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