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Siddhimala became involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community in 1992 and moved into a community in London before going to live and work at Taraloka retreat Centre in 1994 for 3.5yrs and at Dhanakosa in 2014 for 4 years. She was ordained in 2002 and is inspired by the Bodhisattva ideal - a life in the service of a higher purpose.

She trained to teach Tibetan Yoga (Kum Nye) from 2008-11, which she finds a very helpful addition to the practice of mindfulness and meditation. She enjoys sharing her passions of meditation, dharma, walking, kayaking, music and the dance of countryside and wildlife.

walking and nature awareness

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will explore how our connection with nature, landscape, and the elements can support a deepening of awareness and a more embodied and harmonious approach to life. We will weave together Buddhist teachings, meditation practice, and an appreciative and playful investigation of the natural world around us to create an experience of depth and connection. 

The retreat will include lead walks, outdoor activities, an introduction to Buddhist meditation, Buddhist ethics, and basic Buddhist teachings looked at from a practical perspective. But perhaps more importantly than all of this is the opportunity to experience ourselves away from the trappings of our everyday lives and to relax into the freedom and spontaneity of our basic relationship with natural world around us. For it is this relaxation that supports a deeper understanding of ourselves and stronger appreciation of the connection with those around us. 

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation, and those who already have some experience.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Opening to Life

Retreat Type:

Buddhism is not about beliefs, it’s about the way we live our lives. On these retreats we will explore traditional Buddhist teachings and meditation practices and see how they apply directly to our lives. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations; the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (Metta Bhavana) as well as a solid introduction to the principles of meditation. The approach to teaching is practical and direct, with plenty of time to reflect, and just to be, free from all the pressures and demands of our ordinary lives. 

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners as well as being an ideal refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Qi Gong and Meditation

Retreat Type:

Qi Gong is rapidly growing in popularity as a practice which helps to generate more energy and vitality; promotes self-healing and inner harmony; and can improve levels of health considerably. Many people benefit from having a movement practice to accompany and support their sitting meditation practice. Meditation is an integral component of Qi Gong, and they complement each other beautifully.

This retreat offers us the chance to deepen into our experience of both practices using the breath and focused awareness to more fully experience our connection with ourselves and others in the natural beauty and healing environment that is Dhanakosa.

This retreat is suitable for complete beginners to meditation and Qi Gong as well as those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Simply Being

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Meditation

In essence, ‘simply being’ evokes the effortless flow of embodied presence. Presence is this ‘timeless moment’, where there is no observer nor observed, no subject or object. It is always unconditionally ‘here’. Yet, we remain ignorant of it owing to the deep conditioning of our self-narratives. Nevertheless, it is what we are and we can never depart from it. 

The mind cannot grasp presence - it is our mind-identification which covers it up. It is not any-thing, so it can only be evoked by terms like ‘suchness’, ‘just this’ or ‘no-mind’. Yet, it is utterly simple and direct, vibrantly awake and alive, and intimately, always, here. 

Discovering and resting in presence, there is a lightness of touch and being. Over time, our self-stories, conditionings and painful emotions begin to lose traction and can increasingly be seen and known directly as like phantoms, illusions or dreams – without any true substance. With this, we wake up to the freedom which is our birthright. 

This retreat is suitable for people with at least six months regular meditation practice and who have attended at least one full weeks retreat before.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Less than 10 spaces

going deeper - walking and nature awareness

Retreat Type:
Going Deeper

Going Deeper retreats are an ideal first regulars’ retreat. They are suitable for anyone who has already done an introductory retreat or who has been attending their local Triratna centre and wants to take their practice deeper. 

By going deeper with walking and nature awareness we are giving ourselves the opportunity to experience life away from the trappings of our everyday routine and to relax into the freedom and spontaneity of our basic relationship with natural world around us. For it is this relaxation that supports a deeper understanding of ourselves and stronger appreciation of the connection with those around us and the natural world. 

We will explore how our connection with nature, landscape, and the elements can support a deepening of awareness and a more embodied and harmonious approach to life. We will weave together Buddhist teachings, meditation practice, and an appreciative and playful investigation of the natural world around us to create an experience of depth and connection. 

We will continue exploring the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana and also introduce a stronger Just Sitting element to the practice, and more reflection, both on and off the cushion. The retreat will also include an introduction to Buddhist ritual. There will be longer periods of silence together and quiet walks will all support a deep and rich experience both of ourselves and the world around us.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

natural rhythms: somatic movement and walking

Retreat Type:

On this retreat we will explore ways to support and increase our whole wellbeing through meditation, walking and fascia work, which is based around functional movement. The fascia work will be taught as a sensory experience, with props (balls, etc) - it is a fun somatic adventure and feels fantastic to do.

The retreat will include movement, guided walks, an introduction to Buddhist meditation and basic Buddhist teachings looked at from a practical perspective. But perhaps more importantly than all of this is the opportunity to experience ourselves away from the trappings of our everyday lives and to relax into the freedom and spontaneity of our basic relationship with our bodies and the natural world around us.

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation, and those who already have some experience.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Nearly Full

simply being

Retreat Type:
Regulars - Meditation

‘Simply being’ points to the aliveness and awakeness that we can recognise at any moment. It’s an openness to full presence, our full being - in body, senses and awareness. It points to being what we really are, beyond conceptual fabrication. In recognising and opening to the steady and spacious aspects of experience here and now, we may glimpse a timeless awareness-emptiness that is inseparable from loving, compassionate energy.

We’ll explore all this through sitting meditation, experiential ‘lookings’ and by discovering our own direct experience as awareness, simplicity, intimacy and aliveness. These qualities are gateways to the five ‘undivided knowings’ (jnanas) which are the essence of the mandala of the five Buddhas. This offers a very practical ‘map’ of our immediate experience, pointing to what has been here all along, unnoticed - simply being.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full

Qi gong and meditation

Retreat Type:

Qi Gong is rapidly growing in popularity as a practice which helps to generate more energy and vitality; promotes self-healing and inner harmony; and can improve levels of health considerably. Many people benefit from having a movement practice to accompany and support their sitting meditation practice. Meditation is an integral component of Qi Gong, and they complement each other beautifully.

This retreat offers us the chance to deepen into our experience of both practices using the breath and focused awareness to more fully experience our connection with ourselves and others in the natural beauty and healing environment that is Dhanakosa.

This retreat is suitable for complete beginners to meditation and Qi Gong as well as those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full