
Sraddhadharani first began practising Buddhism in Manchester in the late '90's. A desire to explore her practise more deeply away from the distractions and demands of busy urban life lead to her moving to the Scottish Borders, where she has lived for the last 16 years with her partner and various dogs and cats. Her interest in and commitment to Buddhism continued to develop and thrive, helped by the beauty and peace of the surrounding landscape, as well as the many opportunities available within the Triratna Buddhist Community and she was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2013. She has a particular interest in meditation and has been co-facilitating a Meditation Group in her local village hall for the last 8 years. She also works as a dog walker and massage therapist and enjoys using ritual and ceremony as a way of bringing people together around shared values and experiences.


padmasambhava and the vajra of awakening

Friday, 22 November 2024 to Friday, 29 November 2024 2024

The retreat will draw on the inspiration of Padmasambhava, Tantric Guru, who was invited to Tibet to transform the deeper, more unruly forces of the mind. Padmasambhava is seen to be both a historical and mythic figure within Buddhism. He was a renowned Yogi, Dharma Teacher, Shaman, and Healer.

We will bring Padmasambhava to life through talks and Buddhist devotional practice through meditation, silence, and ritual we will explore both the energetic and receptive elements of his teaching.

Booking Fee: 

a heart as wide as the world

Friday, 18 October 2024 to Friday, 25 October 2024 2024

‘If happiness has not its seat and centre in the breast. We may be wise or rich or great but never can be blessed. No treasures, no pleasures can make us happy long. The hearts aye the part aye that makes us right or wrong’; so Robert Burns declared 200 years ago.

Booking Fee: 

Introductory weekend

Friday, 16 August 2024 to Sunday, 18 August 2024 2024

These retreats are an excellent short introduction to Buddhism and Meditation. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (Metta Bhavana). We will also introduce some key elements of the Buddhist tradition. As well as giving a grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism and meditation, these retreats are an ideal reflective situation in which to take a fresh look at ourselves.

Booking Fee: 

yoga, embodied movement and meditation

Friday, 12 July 2024 to Friday, 19 July 2024 2024

These retreats combine introductory meditation teaching with a blend of traditional yoga and contemporary approaches to embodied movement.  This playful synthesis of body based approaches to wellbeing (through meditation and movement) in the peaceful and beautiful environment of the retreat can help restore physical and mental vitality and balance in our lives.

Booking Fee: 

Green Buddha: appreciative mindfulness for troubled times

Friday, 16 February 2024 to Friday, 23 February 2024 2024

Smritiratna writes: "We live, it seems, in increasingly troubled times. Yet if we fall prey to fear, hatred, blame and conflict, things only get worse. Somehow we need the resources to find our feet, rise up and meet the challenges we face with courage and confidence, with strength and dignity, with creativity and compassion, with wisdom and the harmonising speech that builds concord and co-operation.

Booking Fee: 

Dhyana & emptiness

Tuesday, 3 October 2023 to Friday, 13 October 2023 2023

From the earliest days, the main meditative approach to awakening in Buddhism has combined the cultivation of calmness of mind (shamatha) and mental absorption (dhyana) with the cultivation of liberating insight (vipashyana).

Booking Fee: 

Introductory Weekend

Friday, 29 September 2023 to Sunday, 1 October 2023 2023

These retreats provide an excellent short introduction to both meditation and Buddhism. They will introduce you to two simple traditional meditation practices and give you grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism.  They are an ideal situation in which to take a fresh look at yourself and your life.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee: 