Meditation and Buddhism
Interested in learning about Buddhism and the practice of Buddhist meditation in a supportive retreat environment? Then come and join us, we offer a variety of weekend and week-long retreats that are a great introduction to meditation, ritual, the practice of silence, all in the beauty of the surroundings of Dhanakosa.
- | sangha weekend Led by Dhiraka, Maitrivira |
sangha weekend Led by Dhiraka, Maitrivira | Scottish Sangha |
- | Uncontrived Mindfulness Led by Vajradevi, Amoghavira, Gunasiddhi Join the waiting list |
Uncontrived Mindfulness Led by Vajradevi, Amoghavira, Gunasiddhi | Regulars - Meditation, Triratna |
- | Animist Dharma Led by Dhivan, Nayaka, Vandika |
Animist Dharma Led by Dhivan, Nayaka, Vandika | Regulars - Triratna |
- | Journeys to the deep Led by Locana, Arthabandhu |
Journeys to the deepLed by Locana, Arthabandhu | Introductory |
- | LGBTQ+ Embodied Courage Led by Pasadini, Maitrivira |
LGBTQ+ Embodied Courage Led by Pasadini, Maitrivira | Regulars - Meditation |
- | introductory weekend Led by Pasadini, Shraddhadharani |
introductory weekendLed by Pasadini, Shraddhadharani | Introductory |
- | Simply Being Led by Tejananda, Siddhimala, Maitrivira |
Simply Being Led by Tejananda, Siddhimala, Maitrivira | Regulars - Meditation |
- | Contemplating the 5 skandhas Led by Nayaka, Elise, Subhanaya |
Contemplating the 5 skandhas Led by Nayaka, Elise, Subhanaya | Regulars - Triratna |
- | Doorways to the deep Led by Singhashri, Balajit |
Doorways to the deepLed by Singhashri, Balajit | Regulars - Meditation |
- | Mindfulness and the path to freedom Led by Smritiratna, Candradhi, Shraddhadharani |
Mindfulness and the path to freedomLed by Smritiratna, Candradhi, Shraddhadharani | Introductory |
- | Padmasambhava and the Vajra of awakening Led by Amoghavira, Shraddhadharani, Maitrivira |
Padmasambhava and the Vajra of awakening Led by Amoghavira, Shraddhadharani, Maitrivira | Regulars - Triratna |
- | men's going for refuge retreat Led by Amarapala, Nayaka, Dhirajyoti |
men's going for refuge retreatLed by Amarapala, Nayaka, Dhirajyoti | Scottish Sangha |
- | introductory weekend Led by Moksadhi, Subhanaya |
introductory weekendLed by Moksadhi, Subhanaya | Introductory |
- | men's winter retreat Led by Smritiratna |
men's winter retreatLed by Smritiratna | Regulars - Meditation |
- | women's winter retreat Led by Parami |
women's winter retreat Led by Parami | Mitras |