Meditation and Buddhism

Interested in learning about Buddhism and the practice of Buddhist meditation in a supportive retreat environment? Then come and join us, we offer a variety of weekend and week-long retreats that are a great introduction to meditation, ritual, the practice of silence, all in the beauty of the surroundings of Dhanakosa.

13 Sep - 20 Sep Retreat Nearly Full

Call to book

simply being
Led by Tejananda, Siddhimala, Maitrivira
27 Sep - 4 Oct Retreat Nearly Full

Call to book

going deeper - into the flow
Led by Locana (Elizabeth English), vajrashraddha, sanghadhara
11 Oct - 18 Oct Less than 10 spaces the magic of mahamudra
Led by Candrika, Nayaka
18 Oct - 25 Oct Spaces a heart as wide as the world
Led by Maitrivira, Shraddhadharani, Acalasiddhi
22 Nov - 29 Nov Spaces padmasambhava and the vajra of awakening
Led by Amoghavira, Shraddhadharani, Maitrivira
20 Dec - 27 Dec Spaces men's winter
Led by Smritiratna